
What is Douglas F Ford's address?

What is Douglas F Ford's address?
  1. What is Doug Ford's email?
  2. Who is Doug Ford in Ontario?
  3. How do you address a premier of Ontario in a letter?
  4. How do you address the prime minister of Canada?
  5. How do I find my MPP in Ontario?
  6. What is Doug Ford's salary?
  7. Does Doug Ford donate his salary?
  8. How do you address a Premier Doug Ford?

What is Doug Ford's email?

If there is anything we can help you with, please contact us by email at [email protected] or call 416-745-2859.

Who is Doug Ford in Ontario?

Douglas Robert Ford Jr.

listen; born November 20, 1964) is a Canadian businessman and politician who has served as the 26th and current premier of Ontario since June 2018 and leader of the Progressive Conservative (PC) Party since March 2018.

How do you address a premier of Ontario in a letter?

Salutation: Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Premier, Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Lastname.

How do you address the prime minister of Canada?

The written form of address for the prime minister should use his or her full parliamentary title: The Right Honourable [name], [post-nominal letters], Prime Minister of Canada.

How do I find my MPP in Ontario?

Go to the Legislative Assembly website and look for the electoral district name to find out who your MPP is, and to find their contact information:

What is Doug Ford's salary?

Kevin Smith, head of Toronto's University Health Network, fell to fifth spot from third last year, taking in more than $920,000 _ the highest paid employee in the province outside of Ontario Power Generation. By contrast, Premier Doug Ford made less than $210,000.

Does Doug Ford donate his salary?

Upon election, Doug Ford announced that he would donate his $100,000 annual salary to community organizations.

How do you address a Premier Doug Ford?

“The Honourable” is used when addressing the Premier and/or a Cabinet Minister. The title can be shortened to The Hon. , e.g. , The Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario.

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